16 APRIL 2006
A group of 7 person (2 guys and 5 gals) all training for a Mt. Kinabalu trip in May 2006 made a visit to Gunung Datuk on this particular Sunday morning. More than half of the group were first timers therefore it took almost 2 hours for the ascend and the final assault on the rock surface proved just too much for some beginners. When one have been doing this sport for some time, it becomes almost second nature and it is so easy for me to overlook that the challenges at hand could become such daunting tasks! The near vertical ladders proved too much for some and they decided to forgo the last section. Perhaps next trip around they would have overcome their fear and will eventually make it to the top! Some took a longer than usual amount of time hanging on to the ladders before finally became relaxed enough to overcome the initial fear and made it to the top! Guess everyone learned a thing or two about themselves that day. For those who overcome their fear and made it safely top and return, I hope this will be a good beginning for them. While those who have yet to get pass the comfort barrier and gave up this time, try again next trip! Fear is something that we should learn to conquer. Either conquer it or be conquered! Chewah... sounds like some Fear Factor advertisement pulak! And as for me, I guess I made my speediest mountain descent ever attempted. My PR for G. Datuk would now stand at 35minutes descent from summit campsite. Almost non-stop running down the mountain.
Mountain Info:
Where: Rembau, Negeri Sembilan
Height: 870m / 2900ft
The Trek: The trail is really straightforward as there's one clear path leading all the way to the peak. It's well-trodden and pretty wide, so trekkers should not get lost nor get tangled with thorny plants. The best part of the trek is at the peak. There is no beirut, nor muddy ground, nor tall trees and bushy shrubs to block one's view. Formed by several gigantic granite boulders (that's really not the word coz they are much bigger than what the word suggests), the area around the peak is spacious. Whoever braves the few rungs of metal ladders and sits at the peak will be offered a 360-degree view. On a clear day, one can see the Seremban town and as far as the Straits of Malacca. Once at the top, be prepared for for some of the strongest winds on an open mountain top. After the walk up, sitting with the strong cool winds blowing in you face is truly a refreshing experience.
How to get there: Gunung Datuk is about 1½ hours drive from KL. To go there, get onto the North-South Expressway and head South for Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. Take Exit 223 (Pedas/Linggi). Immediately after the toll, take a left turn at the T-junction. Go all the way along the road until you reach a round-about. If you follow the signboards along the way, you will be directed to take the 12 o'clock exit to Pedas town. However, a much shorter and quicker route is to take the 3-o'clock exit (you'll by-pass Pedas). Continue along the road until you come to the traffic lights at the end of the road. Take a right turn. Keep going forward (you will soon pass another set of traffic lights) until you see a signboad indicating a left turn to Gunung Datuk. Take the left turn and move on for about About 4km. There will be a junction to the left. This road goes through a rubber estate. Not long along the road, there is a fork; take the left turn. Go all the way and you'll come to Gunung Datuk's base camp.
Fees and Registration: As of August 1, 2003, the District Office of Rembau has given authority to the Kampung people to collect fees to maintain the chalets and cleanliness of the area. Among the items and sevices that they charge included that of chalets, guidesm canopy rental, chairs, rubber tapping, trekking permit, issuance of trekking certificate, and P.A. system.
The only fees we are aware of are:
Trekking Permit
RM1.00 per person
PermitCamp Site
RM3.00 per tent